
Posts Tagged ‘Dissatisfied:’

savemarriageFirst of all, before entering marriage, you need to be sure of this decision to avoid pitfalls later on.

You are already sure about your part, what about your better-half-to-be?

The maturity that is expected in you is also the same maturity that is expected of your other half. If maturity is of not the same level then perhaps around the same intensity as you are. It has become obvious that women possess deeper insights about marriage than most men do.

There are certain characteristics you need to avoid in your partner that will surely put your marriage on hold until this is fixed. No matter how you want it to be fixed overnight, it is just not something that you have power over.

It should be done by your partner. So here are some characteristics that you should avoid in the first place to do away with marriage failures.

Possessive: It is normal to display a little possessiveness of your partner as long as this is confined to be kept in check. Otherwise, this is not a good trait because it would become a realm of dominance later on.

You would only feel choked in the end. You would only feel prison instead of staying happy in your marriage. There will be too much jealousy, resentment and anger later on. You would only feel tied down to shore for no good reason.

Dissatisfied: This kind of person will continue to reach something that is undefined and unclear. This person will likely to do job hopping and will lead an unstable life which will lead both your life to nowhere. There will only be unmet expectations later in your life if this will continue to go on.

Bad temper: They are the kind of person who are selfish and have mood swings. They think that they are far superior to others and will impose every belief they have on you and on everyone. They will just do all the taking but they won’t give. They will expect you to be an all-around body.

 There will only be malfunctioning of each role later on. Your life together will only be full of unwanted drama and unconventional situations.

Superiority: They feel like they know about everything and will try to dominate you in whatever you do. They are the ones who have sharp critical minds who don’t care of whatever as long as they feel they are the ones who are right. Surely there will be someone out there who will outlay his sharp mind and he will end up frustrated because of this. In the end there will only be bitterness in the relationship.

Meticulous: They are the kind of persons who will have elaborate and exaggerated habits. This is the type who believes in the idea that everything should be perfect. They will never tolerate anything less than perfect. If something does not go along with what is planned, they usually have a high level of frustration.

Flirtatious: They are the ones who enjoy attention from the opposite sex. They enjoy charming them and would very much like to avoid their own gender. This is often to reconfirm their sense of well being and their ability to catch attention. The relationship with this type of person will only produce continuous failure in the emotional field and intimacy.

However short engagements and courtships normally skip the get-to-know-better phase that is why the dangers of those character traits are often missed. It is rather important that you should spend more time knowing the person than spend time preparing for the weeding because a year wasted in the wrong marriage can never be brought back ever again.

About the AuthorJames Brown writes about Forbes Magazine web code, MagMall.com web code and Best Deal Magazines web code

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